14th death anniversary of Dr Cheddi Jagan – Old ploy of racism in Guyana can no longer succeed – President Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo laying a wreath at the burial site of late President Dr Cheddi Jagan on the occasion of the latter's 14th death anniversary

As thousands gathered on Sunday at Babu John Crematorium in the Corentyne community of Port Mourant to remember the founder of the People’s Progressive Party, the late Dr Cheddi Jagan, President Bharrat Jagdeo lashed out at the opposition forces, whom he said are attempting to try the old ploy of racism to encourage protest.

This strategy, he said, can no longer succeed since that era of Guyana was left behind when the PPP/C party won general elections in 1992.

President Jagdeo delivered a fiery speech to the thousands of supporters, and cautioned them against detractors who are desperate to get into power.

The 14th death anniversary of Dr Jagan comes at a critical time, as the party ponders who would take up its presidential candidacy to contest the upcoming general elections. Like the president, the other speakers, including the party’s General Secretary Donald Ramotar, did not give any clues as to who would be the party’s next presidential candidate.

President Jagdeo spoke confidently about the PPP/C’s success in the upcoming elections, and was very unapologetic about opposition candidates of the People’s National Congress Reform and the Alliance For Change.

According to Jagdeo, the opposition candidates are not worthy opponents, with retired Brigadier David Granger being part and parcel of the suffering Guyanese experienced during the reign of the PNC party; while Khemraj Ramjattan, the AFC’s presidential candidate, had broken out from the PPP/C and has been set up for embarrassment by his colleague, Raphael Trotman, the co-founder of the AFC.

PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar laying a wreath on Sunday

Jagdeo declared that the PPP party remains ahead of the others and continues to be relevant and in tune with the times and needs of the people.

He also spoke about the freshness of new and bright professionals in the ranks of the party, who would maintain dynamism and vision for the country to progress. He said this is a major element lacking in the opposition armoury in competing with the PPP/C – the party that is trying to create a modern society with the best opportunities.

Supporters were urged not to be bothered or sucked in by the efforts of opposition forces, because the party knows where it’s going and where it wants to take the country. In particular, supporters were warned about media houses that have aligned themselves with the opposition forces and about unprofessional journalists.

Jagdeo sent a strong message to unprofessional journalists, suggesting that the United Nations should set up a tribunal to investigate the role journalists in Rwanda played in the murder of over a million people killed in civil strife, by generating racism and hatred.

He urged that support be withheld from television stations that are hostile towards the government, because they are trying to create division in the country.

Cabinet ministers and dignitaries among the gathering

Jagdeo also urged the supporters to reach out and win more supporters because “the PPP/C would win the elections, since the party is not going anywhere until a new government is put in place.”

General Secretary Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds also addressed the supporters, and both of them contended that the party still flourishes in the concepts and ideology of the late Jagan.

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