116 Buxton youths graduate from skills training programme

One hundred and sixteen youth from Buxton, East Coast Demerara graduated on Tuesday after successfully completing skills training courses offered by the Home Affairs Ministry through its Community Action Component (CAC) of its Citizen Security Programme (CSP).

The graduation ceremony was held at the Friendship Primary School, according to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release. This was the second batch of youths from the community to complete the CAC training, as previously 88 youths graduated in May.

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, member of the CAC Advisory Board Bishop Juan Edghill, and Commander of C Division Deryck Josiah were among those present at the graduation exercise.

“This is a celebration of accomplishment, a celebration of the way forward,” Minister Rohee told the youths, adding that after this celebration, however, comes reality. “Face this reality,” he urged, “use your initiative to spot opportunities, grasp those opportunities and apply the marketable skills you have acquired to these opportunities to make yourself prosperous.”

The presence of a functioning CAC body in Buxton also demonstrates that there are leaders in the community who value the community and are prepared to work for its betterment, he said, and for this reason these leaders must be commended.

Buxton/Friendship Community Action Officer Margaret Barnes said that the community is honoured to be involved in the CAC programme and noted that it has, over the past 12 months, benefited over 200 youths in the community.

“We are grateful that the community has been given the opportunity to help young people embark on and develop skills that will empower them for the future, thus making their lives more meaningful,” she said.

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