102 graduate from Carnegie School of Home Economics

The Carnegie Schoolof Home Economicsheld its annualgraduation ceremony onThursday at the NationalCultural Centre; 102 studentsgraduated withskills in catering and hospitality,cosmetology, andhousehold management,among other skills.The ceremony washeld under the theme:“Graduation; anotherstep to realising yourdream.”Acting principal of theschool, Penelope Harris,in presenting her annualreport, highlighted someof the challenges affectingthe school.Those challenges, shesaid, include the shortageof staff and equipmentfor key areas, theneed for more space, andlack of information technologyequipment.“There is still need formodernised and qualityequipment, but we needto rise to the challengeand equip ourselves. Wehope that more opportunitiescome our way inthe future,” she said.She also pointed toopportunities the schoolhad during the year,which included activitieswith international agencies,expansion of its hospitalityprogramme toincorporate tourism outreachesin communities,and its many successesin competitions with regionaland national institutions.She further notedthat there has beenimprovement in staffwelfare, and she expressedgratitude to institutions,including theEducation Ministry, thatcontributed to those improvements.She furtherthanked all agencies thatfacilitated Carnegie studentsfor work study purposes.These agenciesincluded Cara Lodge,Le Meridien Pegasus,Maggie’s Catering, andmany others.Harris added that,during the academic year,many persons enrolled incourses at the institution;however, not all ofthose persons graduated,as some dropped outor failed to meet the requiredstandard. In closing,she encouraged thegraduates to have a goodattitude, since that isone’s best asset. “Developa good attitude, sincethat is your best asset,and you will be rememberedfor it,” she told thegraduates.In the feature address,Janice Maison, arenowned food and nutritioneducator, urgedthe students to use theirnewly acquired skills toachieve their goals inlife.She told the graduatesthat Home Economics isintended to improve thequality of life for everyone,and she encouragedthem to ponder on whatthey intended to do withthe skills they have acquired.She further encouragedthem to developgood interpersonal skillsin the workplace, sincethis will promote good relationshipsin their workplaces. She emphasised the need for the graduates to maintain a positive attitude about themselves and life, and be appreciative of everyone around them. “Acknowledge the good in everyone”, she advised. In advising students who aspire to start their own businesses, Maison told them to be courageous and confident, and not to be afraid to fail. The graduates were further urged to continue striving for excellence, and to remember those who contributed to their success.

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