10 Amerindian villages receive solar panels

School children from the various Amerindian communities can now burn the midnight oil studying and conduct research now that they have access to electricity in their community as the Prime Minister’s Office distributed Gy$ 84 million-worth in solar panels to 10 Amerindian communities in Region Two.
The solar panels, worth Gy$ 75,000 each, were handed over to the Amerindian communities: Tapakuma/ St Densy, Wakapoa, Akawini, St Monica, Karawab, Mashabo, Betany, Mainstay, Capoey and Kabakaburi in Region Two by Prime Minister’s Office on Monday.

Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud handing over the solar panel to the toshaos of various Amerindian Communities in the compound of the Regional Democratic Council

The panels were handed over to Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud by Project Accountant Annie Ramnarine from Office of the Prime Minister. At the simple handing over ceremony held in the compound of the Regional Democratic Council, Ramnarine said the Prime Minister’s Office has embarked on a massive distribution of solar panels in various regions.
Speaking on the Region Two distribution, she said 1122 solar panels at the cost of Gy$ 75,000 each were distributed to various Amerindian communities. The 65-watt panel can power two bulbs.
Persaud, speaking to toshaos from various Amerindian communities, said despite the opposition’s efforts to cut the budget which will eventually slow up development in some Amerindian communities, he is proud that the government of Guyana has remained committed to the Amerindians by providing over 1122 households with electricity.
He said it is a bold initiative and complimented the prime minister for spearheading the project. He said the truck loads of solar panels will be dispatched in various directions and families will have access to electricity in their homes soon.
Community Development Officer Melrose Henry, during the handing over ceremony said many children from the communities will be benefiting from the initiative. She too lauded the administration for continuing the solar panel distribution.
Henry said two persons from each community were trained with the aim of assisting villagers with the installation process. Toshoa of Tapakuma/ St Densy Doreen Jacobus who spoke on behalf of all 10 toshoas from the various communities said the solar panel initiative is a brilliant one. Jacobus said many Amerindians were concerned about not receiving solar panels because of the budget cuts.
She said hinterland children can spend long hours studying now that they have electricity. Jacobus said many families who also received laptops via the One Laptop Per Family programme will also be able to recharge the equipment with the use of the panels. Previously, Tapakuma got 70 panels; Capoey, 69; Mainstay, 70; Wakapoa, 70 and Mashabo, 70 from the Office of the Prime Minister.

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