“Cutters” gon get cut from de menu

De word “cut” get more popular since de budget debate. While it is new fuh de budget, some accustom to some form of it. De West Indies cricket team accustom to getting “cut tail” and some people does always be looking fuh a “cut- back”. Since de budget cut, plenty people now gat to “cut corners”. Dem who might lose dem jobs could end up “cutting de pack” fuh play cards whole day. Others does get cut fuh medical reasons.

Fuh some, that “cut” does cause a “weight” fuh be lifted! Some does even get “cut-out” like Bishoo from de West Indies team fuh tour England! People sehin that a certain lady who help cut de budget mek sure she do it after she get a “cut” fuh doing PR wuk fuh a man who contract get cut from de hydro project! Then, she was boasting how good de project is fuh all Guyanese by meking electricity cheap.

Now, she “flip” and people gon have to pay a heavy bill fuh light! People seh that is called “self-interest”. That is why de “key” party don’t want de Marriott fuh get build because one of dem members own a big hotel here.

Dem don’t want he get competition so that guests can get a better service! Guests at de man hotel seh it “peg” with poor service after being told that it is a “cut” above de rest.

People seh is de same way de ‘key’ party fooling people after it seh it All Fuh Caring, but turn out to be All Fuh Cuts! Some seh that de “hands up” and “key” parties get so “sweeten” fuh cut, that de only thing dem eating is “cutters!” People seh at de rate dem going, “cutters” gon soon be short and get cut from de menu! That gon mek another set of people angry who can’t “munch” when dem “cut” time over a “finey”. Dem don’t cut words, just like de workers who stand to get cut from de opposition cuts! Dem seh de word “cutthroat” coming to mind seeing that Moses was once in charge on government information! Tinga-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… Mattie tell mattie!

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