‘Hossana’ housing project is a good example of what useful partnerships could bring

Dear Editor,

I am a resident of Mashabo in Region Two (Guyana) and have been following developments in the region for quite some time now. I must say that I am very impressed with what is happing in the community.

In these Amerindian villages, there are many positive developments taking place, but not much of it gets into the public domain. I can safely say that this is a community that is moving forward and the lives of ordinary persons are gradually changing for the better.

For example, recently there was an Gy$ 80 million Housing Project commissioned at Mashabo on the Essequibo Coast. The project referred to as the ‘Hosanna’ housing project is a classic example of what partnership between various organisations could bring, since we all know that many poor families who never had access to a decent home will now be able to live in their own homes.

The project was executed through collaboration between the government and local and international organisations; the main one being Food For The Poor (FFTP). The gesture by government and FFTP via its various donors is appreciated and welcomed by all residents. This initiative will go a very far way in changing communities as well as in improving the lives of the vulnerable.

It would be useful to mention that the 50 households that were selected as beneficiaries were low-income families struggling to make ends meet. I should also state that 95 per cent of the households have extended families and were living in cramped spaces with lack of privacy, while the other five per cent were families living in deplorable habitats with thatched roofs.

Other NGOs and groups in the community that focus on development and changing lives could collaborate with, say the government, or even amongst themselves and come up with initiatives to improve the lives of persons in various communities across the country. The ‘Hosanna’ housing project is the sixth village built in Region Two by the FFTP in partnership with the government.

Over the past three years, the FFTP has contributed significantly in the housing drive in Region Two by providing over 1600 families with comfortable homes.

Editor, in essence what I am saying is that organisations can pool their resources – financial and technical – and work along with the administration to help develop our country.


M Khan

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