‘Factionalism will not divide the PNCR’— Granger

Even with apparent divides within the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), its presidential candidate- hopeful, retired Brigadier David Granger, says that factionalism will definitely not divide the party.

In an invited comment, Brigadier Granger said that most of the issues have been occurring at the upper levels of the party among persons competing for office. However, he highlighted that the party is large, and the majority of persons who do not belong to factions just want unity. 

He noted that the issues are often highlighted because those who are part of factions within the party have easy access to the media. “This creates an illusion that the PNCR is disunited. But I don’t think that is a true picture. I think the ordinary members whom I have met on outreaches would like us to present a united front to the PPP administration and would like to see that the process is over and done with as quick as possible, so that we can unite behind a single candidate,” he said. 

Granger spoke to Guyana Times during one of his first public appearances after his return from a week of campaigning in the United States, where he met with overseas party members. When asked about the reception over there, the presidential hopeful said  he believes that not only was it fruitful, but the opportunity to renew relationships with party members there has solidified his standing in the race.  

“I must say that there is tremendous enthusiasm for my campaign. I have directed my efforts at reuniting the party; and despite some factionalism, the party members in North America are satisfied with aiming at burying their differences so that we can aim at presenting a solid front for the national elections,” he said. 

His next step will be to build the solidarity of the party through meetings with the various party groups in Guyana. He stated that focus will be placed on the groups in the rural areas.  Granger assured that time spent with these groups, listening to their problems and concerns, will ensure that, should he be successful as presidential candidate, he would be able to fully represent the interests of all party members. 

Granger added that, so far, the selection process is running smoothly. All nominated candidates have been notified, and the Selection Committee is awaiting their formal responses. These should be communicated to the committee before Christmas, he said.

After all the campaigning, on February 19, 2011, a special congress of the party will be held, during which its presidential candidate will be announced. After that, national campaigning on behalf of the entire party begins.

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