“I’m in political departure lounge” – Manning

Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning

“If anybody is going up for the post of political leader of the PNM, it ain’t me.” So said former prime minister Patrick Manning, during an interview with journalists at GTM Building, San Fernando, on Friday.  

Manning, who resigned from the post of political leader in May last year, denied rumours that he was thinking of returning to his former post. 

“There is absolutely no truth to that!” he said. “I made a statement in Parliament recently, and I repeated in Parliament what I had said to the PNM general council on May 27. I said that I was resigning as political leader, that I was leaving public life; and in one year, when I am a Member of Parliament for 40 years, I will consider what to do in San Fernando East.”   Manning revealed that he intended to resign his San Fernando East seat, but that did not go down well with constituents. “Since then, I assured my people that I intended to serve out my term in office in San Fernando East, for which I was elected,” he said.  “I am on the political departure lounge…” Manning, who has been at loggerheads with PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley, said he had no intention of prolonging his public life. The PNM’s internal elections are set to take place on March 20, and already rumours have surfaced that secret meetings are being held within the party to ensure that the Rowley loyalists do not hold all the top positions. (Trinidad Guardian)

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