Guyana on course to attain MDGs – finance minister

Stakeholders on Monday met to discuss the draft United Nations Assistance Development Framework (UNDAF) and the Common Country Assessment (CCA) for Guyana 2012- 2016, with the aim of obtaining contributions and observations.

UNDAF is the UN strategic plan to foster the administration’s National Poverty Reduction Strategy and to support government’s commitment in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Over the years Guyana has made enormous strides, and is well on its way towards achieving the MDGs, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said during his address at the meeting held at the Regency Hotel.

“The results have been significant gains in key social indicators. In fact, we are currently in the process of finalising our latest MDGs Report with the aid of the UNDP; that report documents very significant progress in key indicators, including the targets that are captured within the MDG framework on a number of our MDGs, including those in education, in the environment (water, sanitation, etc). Guyana is well on our way to achieving the MDG target if we have not already achieved the target; we have in fact achieved them in a number of instances”. He said these achievements are not only on behalf of the government but the collective and aggregate efforts by every single Guyanese.

Minister Singh described Guyana’s economy as resilient.

Notwithstanding the global economic and financial crises, Guyana has recorded sustained growth from 2006 to present. “We have been able to reduce our external debt by 40 per cent of GDP, and we find ourselves in an unusual position of a debt of GDP ratio that is actually lower than our counterparts in the Caribbean and indeed significantly lower than some large developing countries in the world”. Minister Singh also highlighted some of the progress Guyana has made in terms of achieving the MDGs such as reforms in the social sector, a vast array of legislations enacted to deal with children and women, assistance for vulnerable groups and health.

Acting UNDP Country Director to Guyana Dr Beverley Barnett pointed to the need for partnerships.

“The UN provides a unique platform for global engagement and international actions owing to its universal membership; however, its member states show great diversity, and addressing the issues they face can never be done using a one- size fits all approach so the UN transformation is a work in progress…,” Dr Barnett said.

She said the UN remains sensitive to and aware of the changing needs, environment and challenges that its membership faces. Issues to be addressed from UNDAF include a human rights- based approach, gender equality, environmental sustainability, resource- based management and capacity development, Barnett pointed out. Among officials present at the meeting were Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali, Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai, and Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira. (GINA)

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